
The powerful meaning behind this simple word


Abracadabra, what a great word! When I say it or think about it, I always have a little mind movie going on where I throw my hands up and forward with great flourish, and Magic happens.

When I discovered the word’s meaning, it delighted me even more because one of the most fundamental things I share with clients is that what you think about is what you speak about and how you speak about it is one of the key factors to influencing how your life is.

Any time you communicate with either yourself internally or with others externally, the energy level contained in your choice of words has a massive effect on the energy you will attract back to yourself. The power of the words you use and the thoughts that created that choice of words can be the biggest single difference to having a life full of fun, love, laughter, and happiness or one full of frustration, complaining, and, to be honest, misery!

Let me explain a little bit further by illustrating through ‘What you Focus on you Get!’

Two thinking patterns and their associated statements:


Thinking/Belief /Attitude – I’m ineffective, I’m a lousy student, I can’t learn this, I’m not a great manager, I can’t find a partner, I can’t earn any money, I won’t get that promotion. Why can’t I ever lose weight? Other people are luckier than me.


Thinking/Belief /Attitude – I’m a great learner, I love to learn new things, I’m a people person, I am caring, nurturing and loving, so I form great relationships, I can get this promotion, I can earn exactly what I need. How can I lose weight & enjoy the process? Life is what you make it & I make mine amazing.

Which one of these two do you think is having a better life?


Potential – How much potential would you tap into with those views? How much motivation would you have to succeed? By thinking these things, you are already signalling failure!

Actions - If you have these beliefs and little or no potential, the likely hood is you will take little or no action. Your beliefs and potential will result in procrastination or self-sabotage.

Results – With all of the above going against you, the likely results will be dismal, and you will come full circle to prove all that you believed at the beginning.


Potential – These beliefs start off as real possibilities, so the potential quota is high, and motivation to take action increases.

Action – Action will be confident, energised, assertive and congruent with beliefs.

Results – The results will, of course, reflect the positive belief and positive, motivated action and, of course, produce a POSITIVE result which will repeat over and over again.

Here is another way of illustrating it:


Thoughts create everything, so what you’re thinking creates your reality and sets you up for a successful day or a day full of disappointment.

If you visualise your brain as a more powerful version of Google and your thinking as your keyboard. Now you understand that just like Google, whatever you insert into the search bar, your brain will deliver a result. So based on your Thinking, you will Create your day. Simple:

But here’s the problem. Most people spend their time thinking about what they don’t want and then wonder why it shows up over and over again!

It shows up because that’s what you put into your Google Brain, and it expertly delivers every time.

A key thing to understand is that your brain cannot distinguish between a Positive thought or a Negative thought; it simply takes your thought and delivers the result you appear to be wanting.

What you think also affects where your focus is about your life, which controls how you act and speak about your life. If your thoughts are mainly negative, then your focus is on the negative results you get, which drive how motivated you are to engage in life and how you speak about your life -


And so does your brain!

Speaking is like typing! You are inputting information through your ears, and your brain goes off again on its search mission to get you what you want or What you DON’T want.


You are perfectly equipped to control your thoughts, words, and actions, which means that you are perfectly equipped to design your life exactly the way you want it to be.